Jeremy Patty
Jeremy is a passionate life and leadership coach who empowers people to enjoy a full and abundant life through coaching, planning, encouragement and accountability. He believes mankind was created with infinite value, a powerful purpose, and potential to live a life without limits. He inspires people to live from their significance in their personal life, family life, and business practices. For many years, Jeremy has been helping people close the gap between their present-day reality and their most desired future in every area of their life.
Jeremy spent 10 years as a highly successful Financial Advisor (Top 5%) and Managing Director with a FORTUNE 100 financial firm. At age 25, he was one of the youngest Managing Directors in their 150-year history. He spent countless hours coaching clients and financial advisors not only to achieve their personal and professional dreams but also to enjoy the journey while encouraging them to be the best version of themselves. In the process of building his multimillion-dollar insurance and investment venture and helping other advisors to do the same, Jeremy recognized there was more to life. That, while certain principles he had applied to his life accelerated his success in business, the pursuit of chasing success detached from his created value, purpose and significance was a vain and fleeting endeavor.
In 2009, Jeremy furthered his passion to love and serve people by pursuing a Master's Degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. While attending Seminary, he also served as a pastor for a large church with nearly 10,000 weekly attendees. Jeremy was responsible for overseeing small groups through coaching, counseling and consulting. During that season, he also developed a coaching system to discover, develop and deploy leaders to coach other groups, couples and individuals through life's challenges and circumstances.
He also has a heart for missions both locally and abroad. He serves with a Dallas-based missions agency that works among the poor, marginalized sub-groups, refugees and internationals of various faith backgrounds in the Dallas-Forth Worth Area. Jeremy loves to encourage and equip missionaries and has led or participated in several short-term mission trips around the globe; including Africa, Cuba and Haiti.
Jeremy and Mindi have been married over 19 years and have two daughters, one son and a dog. Jeremy and Mindi love God, their family, building relationships, traveling, reading, sporting events and spending time together. Jeremy also enjoys making time for outdoor activities, working out, reading, fishing, good coffee and above all, living and laughing with his family and friends.